Our club is blessed with some very experienced, friendly coaches and a supportive committee who are all determined to make sure you meet your training goals. If you're looking for a little advice on training or want to discuss anything give them a tap on the shoulder at the group run or drop a message.
Club Chairperson & Coach
Joanne has been with us since the start and is a real force of nature when it comes to making things happen! Joanne is the leader of the club and helps organise everything we do. She drags the rest of the group along with her determination and propeller pony tail! Always great to know if you're looking for a long run on a Sunday morning...or a Saturday prosecco.
Al is the man who is renowned for keeping the chat going from start to finish, taking your mind off those tough miles. Although there is no promises to where the conversation will end up! Determined to get the best out of you and supportive in reaching your potential. An incredible road runner whose heart belongs to the trails.
Vice-Chairperson & Coach
Not only one of our coaches but also a qualified personal trainer. Joanna is a regular boot camper and a real speed demon on a run! She’s been in the club since day 1. A lover of hills and speed, she loves to get the best out of people and isn’t afraid to lay down the challenge! Despite the sadistic nature of her sessions, Joanna is one of the very best at finding your best!
Social Media Manager & Coach
The Benjamin Button of Exercise! Running, Gym, Bike... the man never stops! Craig has a massive amount of experience from 5km to marathons but it's his achievements in the latter that stand out with 4 of the 6 major marathon stars under his belt. A great support on those long runs when you need it.
Treasurer & Coach
Al is our other major marathon chaser, just waiting on Boston for that prestigious 6-Star medal. He has gone to great lengths to hit the qualifying times... unfortunately 'great lengths' can't be used to describe the shorts in his photo!! Always up for a laugh and on hand with snacks for that morale boost.
Head Coach
Jac has been with the club since the start and seems to get stronger every year across all distances. Great company on the club runs and a really supportive person to have on those nights when you feel you need that extra bit of encouragement. Just make sure you try and keep pace with her feet and not her conversation.
Little miss support, Jess tends to run with the back of the shorter route but don't let this fool you! The winner of the 2024 5k handicap race and PBs galore, Jess is on a roll improving her own running, as well as dragging the best out of those around her.
Club Secretary & Coach
Resilience and positivity personified! Not only is Beth a phenomenal runner in her own right, with a Boston finish and a London Championship Time, she an inspiration to others pursuing their goals. The perfect person to chat to on your run after a tough day. If Monty Python's 'Always Look on the Brightside of Life' was a person, it would be Beth.
Interim Welfare Officer & Coach
Self-described as 'A product of Newton Road Runners'. Ben started running during the pandemic and signed up to the club to get him to the 10k mark. A few years later he is a coach and completing 70-mile ultra marathons. Ben is a massive advocate for running and its links to positive mental health... although you may question his mental health when he turns up in 4 layers in the dead of summer.
Laine joined the coaching team in 2024 and took to it like a runner to Parkrun. Speaking of which... if you want to know anything about Parkrun, Laine is your gal, completing 50 different venues! The queen of support, and an ever present, it was as if Laine was born to help our runners, in particular those who are finding it difficult.
Events Co-ordinator
The man who gets stuff done! Pete is the one man machine behind a lot of the detail in the Newton Road Runners. From designing the infamous black and yellow kit to organising the annual 10k event, it's usually Pete pulling the strings to make it happen. A fantastic runner but he is a Leeds fan... goes to show nobody is perfect.
The club's jolly giant. Standing at 6ft 7in and a distinctive North West accent, you really can't miss Andy. A man who will talk about anything, Andy is one of the very best when you're needing that supporting distraction from the hard work.